Ground floor and second storey SIREWALL suites extend on either side of a winding outdoor central courtyard, which runs the length of this long and somewhat narrow property.
The colour and texture of the walls closely resembles the local sandstone.
Barrel vaulted ceilings are constructed atop many of this structure’s load-bearing walls. Insulation is installed on top of these ceilings and articulates with the insulation in the SIREWALLs, completing the thermal envelope. When temperatures approach 50°C, it is vital to have enough insulation to reduce the negative comfort and economic impacts associated with excessive air conditioning.
Repetitive design elements allowed the fabrication of modular torsion box formwork, that was used over and over again.
Plywood torsion box formwork in panels up to 400 sqft were stripped and placed with a crane.
Plywood had a polypropylene surface that could be welded to eliminate seams (not entirely successful)
The thickness of the insulated SIREWALLs was reduced to the absolute minimum of 17”.
Construction took place at temperatures ranging from 5°C to 49°C. The SBA needed protection from the heat.
Monsoons made it imperative to protect materials and understand when work needed to be halted.
Mixing was achieved with a high tech volumetric mixer to ensure consistent quality, and delivery was by means of a low tech ‘bucket brigade’ (40+ people) transportation of bowls (teslas) containing the soil mix, from the mixer to the top of the SIREWALL formwork.
An onsite lab was provided to ensure consistency of soil be supplied.
Steel reinforcing was our standard 24” grid of 15M in each wythe.