Mold is almost impossible to propagate in SIREWALL buildings due to the hygric buffering from pervious mass. This stable humidity condition also contributes to human comfort.
How stable is the humidity inside SIREWALL buildings?
“Humidity or dampness (water vapor) in the air can supply enough moisture for mold growth. Indoor relative humidity (RH) should be kept below 60 percent — ideally between 30 percent and 50 percent, if possible.”
“Ninety percent of our lives in the developed world are spent indoors in close proximity to each other. […] What has not been talked about is the relationship of temperature and humidity in the air indoors and outdoors and aerial transmission of the virus,”
“Humidity or dampness (water vapor) in the air can supply enough moisture for mold growth. Indoor relative humidity (RH) should be kept below 60 percent — ideally between 30 percent and 50 percent, if possible.”
“Ninety percent of our lives in the developed world are spent indoors in close proximity to each other. […] What has not been talked about is the relationship of temperature and humidity in the air indoors and outdoors and aerial transmission of the virus,”