SIREWALL tagline: Your Future This Is

Measure what matters


'Quality of life' metrics

Sound Quality

The finely textured surface of SIREWALLs scatter sound, preventing echoes

Frank Lloyd Wright said that he felt confident he could design a home that would cause a happily married couple to separate within a year. 

Acoustically, that would be spaces with parallel surfaces that are smooth, non-scattering and non-absorbent—creating echoes.

Praise for SIREWALL interior sound quality

  • “The thicker rammed earth walls definitely make for a great sound!”

    David Suzuki
    Host, CBC's The Nature of Things
  • “Acoustically it’s great for recording…and for sound!”

    Randy Bachman
    Musician, Bachman Turner Overdrive
metrics cover art: pest prevention

Praise for SIREWALL interior sound quality

  • “The thicker rammed earth walls definitely make for a great sound!”

    David Suzuki
    Host, CBC's The Nature of Things
  • “Acoustically it’s great for recording…and for sound!”

    Randy Bachman
    Musician, Bachman Turner Overdrive

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metrics cover art: pest prevention